07791 983 541
Mindfulness & Self-Compassion
We only regret the chances we didn't take

People wait all week for Friday, all year for summer and all life for happiness
+ Self-Compassion

Be happy for
this moment.
This moment
is your life.
all programmes include
Weekly sessions
A half-day Retreat (currently via zoom)
Instruction-led mindfulness meditation and gentle movement meditations
Guidance and support
A guidebook
MBSR Programme
8 Weeks
Stress Reduction

An initial orientation or chat
Eight weekly sessions of
1-1.5 hours
A guidebook
Weekly email contact
Custom made guided meditations to support home practice
An invitation to my next Half-Day Retreat (currently on zoom)
I have sought 'therapies', of varying types, in the past and all have helped me through specific difficulties. With Mindfulness however, I finally feel I have the tools to help myself as well as the means by which to make more of any given moment.
During the course, with a tendency to overcomplicate and overthink, the practice has been the greatest challenge for me, but I remind myself all the time that the principle really is simple and there is no right or wrong. Highlights of the course have been learning the 3 step meditation, starting to recognise when and how I get in my own way, understanding the true meaning of 'Acceptance' and seeing my Mum as my compassionate companion rather than a loss that I want to run away from.
My mantras - 'name it, tame it and befriend it' and 'let it be'.
Thank you, thank you, thank you.
Nat, November 2021
Zoom Groups £240
per participant
Finding Peace in a
Frantic World

A very accessible Mindfulness programme for community settings, the workplace, privately and it has been taught to Parliament.
It offers a different way of living.
Teacher support for developing a personal mindfulness practice.
Invaluable resources.
Mindfulness in our everyday lives to manage difficulties.
But, also to cultivate joy, compassion, equanimity and wisdom.
Zoom Groups
per participant
The Compassionate Mindful Resilience Course

This course, the first of its kind on the market – (the research around the efficacy of the course is being conducted by Newcastle University).
The CMR programme, will be taught via zoom. You will learn how to use shorter, more bespoke practices and coping strategies, all aiming to promote higher levels of self-kindness, techniques to help manage stress, resilience and feelings of robustness and empowerment.
Week 1 Exploring Mindfulness and Compassion
Week 2 Cultivating Emotional Intelligence
Week 3 Developing Resilience
Week 4 Feeling Resourced and Connected.

Zoom Groups
MSC programme
6 Weeks
(adapted from the work of
Kristen Nef + Chris Gerber)

An Initial orientation or chat
Six weekly sessions of 1.25 hours
Weekly summary email contact
Custom made guided meditations to support home practice
Zoom Groups
per participant
1:1 also
Mindfulness and Living with Compassion

Adapted from the work of
Erik van den Brink + Frits Koster
The programme builds on basic mindfulness skills.
Grounded in ancient wisdom and modern science.
Learn how compassion shapes our minds and brains.
Benefits for our health and relationships.
And to experience more warmth, safeness, acceptance and connection with ourselves and others.
Zoom Groups
per participant
1:1 also
Mindful Eating with Mary
Coming Soon!
5 Week Course

Mindfulness (MBSR)
Peace in a Frantic World
Mindfulness Self-Compassion
Mindfulness + Living with Compassion
Zoom Groups
and 1:1 available
1 hour per week
Daytime or Evening
to suit your Schedule

Climb the mountain so you can see the world, not so the world can see you

What we think, we become -- Buddha