07791 983 541
Mindfulness & Self-Compassion

8-Week MBSR
The concept and intent to "trust in the process" has enabled me to access a deep source of support within me for myself that I never realised was there.
Although I have just begun to walk this new path I know it will lead to yet more positive insights about myself.
Believe me when I say, this course may just have saved me from myself - none of which would have been possible without your guidance and support for which I humbly thank you.
Graham 2020

6-Week MCS
The 6 week course was an incredibly helpful experience and with each passing week, its importance in my life grew and grew. The course taught me a lot about self compassion and letting go of self-judgement. I'd recommend the course to all. Mary's teaching style is a thoughtful and open one. She very much places the emphasis on the learner and their experience. A great teacher and a great course.
Mel 2020

Graduates with Attitude
These sessions are so thoughtfully produced and have added a further extension to my mindfulness journey.
Elaine 2020

I did the 8 week mindfulness course with Mary Walker earlier this year during a particularly stressful period. I felt I needed support to manage the stress of work and life and after speaking to Mary and reading the testimonials on her website I thought I would give it a go. I didn't have any expectations and went into it completely open-minded.
I felt the changes almost instantly - the practices Mary taught us were very effective and helped me find a way to clear my mind when dealing with stressful situations and to respond productively. As the stress faded away, I began to feel like myself again and found I had a lot more time.
The biggest challenge was doing the homework each week. Mary reiterated the importance of doing the homework to get the most out of the programme and 'building it into our lives'. I still do the practices regularly and continue to experiment with how to build them in outside of my regular routine. The more I practice mindfulness, the more I recognise its effectiveness.
Mary guided us through the programme in a very naturally calming way, giving us examples of how the practices have helped her and how to get the most out of the programme. She led a mindfulness retreat half way through inviting people from previous courses. On this retreat we consolidated the practices over the previous 4 weeks with a larger group. Whilst I enjoyed the entire course - the retreat was the highlight for me and I look forward to attending the next one.
Jenny - Hertfordshire

“This is the second time that I have completed the 8 Week Programme and it gave me the opportunity to deepen my practice and to turn towards my difficulties in a more compassionate way. I would recommend this programme highly - the skills you learn are then with you for life!”.
Nikki - London

“I'm thrilled I found and completed this 8 week course run by the brilliant Mary Walker. It was challenging, always rewarding and ultimately life enhancing!”

“Thank you so much : for the thought you put into every session, for your kindness and gentleness, for your acts of such generosity (of which just one example was the books you gave us tonight) and for providing us a safe space to come, be and learn at our own individual paces.
Thank you for being there, for being you and for running these courses...selfishly : please never stop”.

“Thanks very much for your leadership on the course. I thought you had a lovely calm approach! I really enjoyed seeing the Kabat Zinn video that you showed.
As someone who was already meditating, what stands out for me was the integration of physical and mental, it really helped me to identify the physical feelings associated with the thoughts and be aware of them.
The three minute breathing space has been really helpful and features most days!”

“The 8 week Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction programme has been life changing for me. After having gone through a rough and stressful 2014, I was looking for practical tools and techniques to combat stress and deal with my challenges positively. This course did exactly that and has made me more aware of being in present. It has given me the option to respond to situations mindfully rather than in an auto-pilot mode. It has also taught me the true meaning of acceptance. I have enjoyed all the formal meditation practices and I hope to incorporate them in my daily life. Mary was great as my teacher and I don't think I could have found anybody else more perfect to initiate me into mindfulness.”

“First of all, I just wanted to make a point of saying thank you. I have truly benefitted from the course and can honestly say that I have come away with a new outlook and the conviction that I have embarked on a very important voyage of self-discovery. It seems to me that you have put a lot of care and thought into the programme (I have loved the little 'extras' - strawberries on the retreat, the book you gave out on Weds), so suffice to say your efforts are much appreciated. Thank you also for the details re the mat and the Mountain meditation you sent before.”

“I would like to say a huge thank you for guiding me through my MBSR course. It was very enjoyable and informative.
It has helped me in that I am definitely more in the present now, and mull over what has gone before much less. Also if I find myself fretting about the future, and something that may or may not happen, I am now equipped with the tools to cope much better. The course has been very empowering.
Challenges were being disciplined about practising regularly and getting to the venue in time after a busy day at work (& resisting the temptation to just stay at home and 'veg' when tired; I always felt better after the session).
I enjoyed all the practices and found the half day retreat really helpful in consolidating everything we'd learnt (even though I was slight in awe of what to expect!). The 3 minute meditations work well for me (especially when busy).”

“I loved this course – it was practical, enlightening and challenging, but equally nurturing and encouraging. Mary soon makes you realise that with a little effort we can all meditate.”

“A very heartfelt 'thank you' for the course. I have found that it's had an immense and positive affect on me. It's hard not to write an email that's gushing, I feel so enthusiastic about the programme!
Having completed the 8 week course, I feel that I can let go of edges and tensions that were affecting my life. The course has enabled me to feel far more content about life, and even to feel happy at times!! This has had a roll-on to my kids, who in turn seem more content and less fractious. Even when times in the family are a bit tricky, I feel able to take it all in my stride. I look forward to my daily practice as it maintains an inner sense of being grounded which I can take forward into the day. Then, if I have difficult challenges in the day, I can remove myself for a few minutes, have a 3-minute breathing space, and approach the issue from a different, more grounded perspective.
I can't thank you enough for your thoughtful, gentle guidance during this learning process. It has genuinely changed my life
Looking forward to the Feb retreat.”
Rachel - London

“You've introduced me to a whole new meaning of awareness, mindfulness, something that I can take away and practice in my every day life. This program gave me the boost I needed to work towards my true spiritual self. Thank you for your loving kindness and comfort throughout the 8 weeks, I would do it again in an instant.”
Leah - London

“Thank you so much for taking the time to do the programme with us. This morning I got to put everything I learnt to use and I have realised what an impact it has made.
I never thought something so simple could change me as a person for the better. I have just completed the programme and can see amazing results already although my journey has just begun. Anybody who is considering doing Mindfulness should jump on board!"
Calise - London

“Thank you so much for the course. I really enjoyed it, and, as I said on Wednesday, have already seen benefits. It was such a lovely group of people, too. I was amazed by how open - and normal! - everyone was.”
Roz - London

“The course really helped me to deepen my practice of mindfulness and put theory into practice which is what I was looking to do. I enjoyed the structure of the course, with lots of things to take away, try out and integrate into our daily lives as we saw best. Mary was a wonderful facilitator and she created a very open, nurturing space within which to reflect on our experiences each week. The retreat during the middle of the course was particularly enjoyable. I think whether you are totally new to mindfulness or you have already begun to develop a practice, there is something in here for you to take away and apply directly to your life. As participants we all experienced the course from our own individual perspectives, yet everybody felt that they had benefitted in some way. I would highly recommend this course to anyone looking to manage stress, enhance their well being and live a fuller, more enriched life.”
“The course really helped me to deepen my practice of mindfulness and put theory into practice which is what I was looking to do. I enjoyed the structure of the course, with lots of things to take away, try out and integrate into our daily lives as we saw best. Mary was a wonderful facilitator and she created a very open, nurturing space within which to reflect on our experiences each week. The retreat during the middle of the course was particularly enjoyable. I think whether you are totally new to mindfulness or you have already begun to develop a practice, there is something in here for you to take away and apply directly to your life. As participants we all experienced the course from our own individual perspectives, yet everybody felt that they had benefitted in some way. I would highly recommend this course to anyone looking to manage stress, enhance their well being and live a fuller, more enriched life.”
Angeli - London
Angeli - London

"I highly recommend this course,and Mary as a facilitator, to anyone who is interested in exploring the benefits of mindfulness in their life.
Before participating I'd read a few books about mindfulness and completed an online Mindfulness Course but, although I understood the some of the potential benefits in theory, I hadn't put it into practice.
Although an online course may work for some people, for me this 8 week course with a small group was so much more beneficial. Making a commitment to participate in a structured course once a week for 8 weeks and to do 'homework' in between, regardless of competing priorities at work and home, was highly motivating. The other major advantage of learning in a group is that there's an opportunity to ask questions and to learn from other participants who share what's working for them and what they find difficult, which can be both inspirational and reassuring.
Course participants were from a range of personal, professional & cultural backgrounds-which demonstrates the wide appeal and recognition of the benefits of mindfulness.
Mary is a great facilitator and teacher. She created an environment in which all participants felt comfortable to ask questions & share their experiences of putting the techniques into practice. The course was well-structured and I particularly enjoyed the retreat day which Mary had so thoughtfully prepared. The course handbook and meditation CDs are great resources which I'm now using to support my ongoing daily practice.”
Rebecca - London

“Thank you for a wonderful course. It is beautifully designed to explore topics on a gradually deeper level, and I enjoyed the way the course evolved.
I have certainly learned some good techniques and particularly resonate with the 3 min br space and 10 min sitting med. Honestly I have had some difficulty with the kindliness to oneself, I am not sure why that is but it makes me rather emotional.... Something I need to work on I guess.
The details in the handbook are a wonderful guide to tap into and I enjoy the poems. Something I think I will go back to time and again (will be in my suitcase for sure!) I think this process has allowed me to stop and process thinks. I don't feel there is a change in my behaviour patterns at this point but hey, let's see! There is a part of me that feels a little guilty as I was doing this course when I thought about my colleagues and their busy lives while I was just making time for me!! guess I felt a little selfish....
You are an excellent facilitator and you lead the sessions in an exemplary way, giving time and space to all participants. Oh and you do have a soothing voice. I really did feel the 'nourishing' during the classes in the quiet and uninterrupted environment!
The retreat was fascinating and it was good to meet former participants and listen to their perspective.
I would recommend this course without hesitation and so often think of people I know who would benefit from it. It's a 'let's stop and smell the roses' moment in our busy lives, one which I do already, but will do a bit more.”
Malini - London

“Really enjoyed the course. I hope it will be something we both continue and make part of our lives. Hard to say if something has changed in me but I think It may have done.
You have a great voice, but your home made recordings do not do it justice. (These have now been re-done in a recording studio!”)
The venue was ok, if a little uncomfortable and claustrophobic.
The retreat was rather spoiled by the other users of the venue. (New venue now being used)
It was very nice to receive a book to take a way as well as your note sheets and booklet.
Thanks again and best wishes for the present moment!”
Alistair - London

“I thought the course was very good and that you were a good teacher.
I didn't like the venue but I know Alistair mentioned that so I am not going to go on about it.
The best thing about the course is that it helped me to form a habit that so far has stuck. I am still working on exactly what my practice will be but I am practicing every day. I think it will be a long journey for me but I am sure I am feeling the benefits already.
The book you gave us is great, I'm really enjoying it”
Debra - London

"I found this course of great help and very insightful, and would fully recommend to anyone. During the course I became aware of unhelpful habits, thought processes and behaviours I had developed, which had allowed stress to become a greater part of my life than necessary. I learnt ways to start 'unwiring' this behaviour alongside techniques to help me view stressful experiences from a new more balanced mindful perspective.
As previously mentioned I would thoroughly recommend this course; the environment is warm and welcoming and Mary's experience and knowledge provide a great opportunity to start learning about mindfulness and stress reduction."
Akshay - London

"I found the course incredibly useful in managing my own stress levels and reactions. I work in quite a high pressured environment, managing a significant number of people. Every day I have to make decisions that ultimately affect the quality of life of these people and our customers.
Before taking the course I would regularly find myself awake at all times of night, my mind racing on the various things that I need to achieve, complete, or could have done better. Equally I would also be continuously evaluating people's reactions to me, and not always in a positive light. After the course I am much better able to control my thought processes, reactions and stress levels. I still do get the odd bit of stress, but I'm much more readily able to recognise it for what it is and address it before it overwhelms me.
All in all I'd thoroughly recommend the course to anyone looking for ways to manage their stress and to control their thought processes."
Robin - London

After completing Mary's mindfulness programme I found myself in a very much more positive,safe, and creative place, much more able to handle situations that before would have challenged me and left me more vulnerable.
I would recommend this course to anyone. You cannot fail to come out of it with a different perspective on life. Even the tiniest shift alters things totally.
Corrine - Devon

“Just want to say thank you for the opportunity to take part in the mindfulness programme. It has had an impact on my life which is difficult to put into words. My morning would start with me waking up (very early!) with a range of thoughts which would flick from one to another and cause stress and anxiety. However, I only really became aware of this when I started the course. In fact the first week that was my key insight, just how many thoughts were constantly going around in my mind and how they were often repetitive thoughts that I had every day. I had actually taught a study which said that 80% of our thoughts were the same as we had the previous day but did not really believe it until that first week of mindfulness. Now my day starts (at a reasonable time) with a 3 minute meditation and carries on with mindful routines with no hint of the litany of thoughts I used to have. And this was from the first week!!!
The course progressed and new awarenesses and insights arose every week some of which were challenging but overall I found that I no longer felt the need to avoid uncomfortable thoughts and feelings as I could let them be and choose not to avoid them in various ways which actually added to the general stress anxiety. I even found that when I had flu I was focusing on how my throat was feeling and actually getting interested in the scratchy feeling and how I couldn't swallow easily! Towards the end of the course I feel I have only just begun and I am coming to realise the importance of a wisdom wiser than words. However, none of this would have been possible without the right teacher and you were warm and gentle in your teaching and guided us through any difficulties we experienced and answered any questions we had with thoughtfulness and kindness. I feel privileged to have been part of the course and I felt the last lesson prepared us for the road ahead. I have ordered my kneeling stool and I am choosing my first book tonight!
Thank you again”
Elaine - Ruislip

“Mary Walker's Mindfulness Programme has been invaluable. In the past I was self aware enough to notice when I had at times "checked out" but I didn't have the tools nor the confidence to check back in and be okay in whatever situation I was in. As I result, my mind raced, and my productivity waned with the anxiety it provoked. Through the programme and Mary's guidance I am now able to identify my situation, be aware of my place within the situation and confidently accept it, notice it and move through it. Some of the practical results of this are that I am now calmer, I actually listen to my children rather than just critically assess them and I am now quicker to identify when I get defensive so I am able to take a different stance.
I do hope to attend the next level programme!
Elizabeth - London

“Having reflected back on my original reasons for doing the course, I found I have got everything I hoped I would out of it!
In fact, in almost exactly the same words without having remembered what I’d written!
1 The ability to meditate “at whim”.
2 To control thoughts and turn off the little voice in my head.
3 To be able to really listen to people non-judgmentally and helpfully.
4 To be more fun to be around, i.e. less uptight, controlling, not a slave to lists, calmer, etc.
5 Indeed to pick more daisies.
100% improvement (although, I suppose, it’s for others to judge No. 4).
Not bad, eh!”
Jo - London

“This course has definitely been the interval in my life and I feel like act 2 is going to have a very different, more
manageable, accepting feel to it.
I've been given the tools now to live my life more calmly and in a more meaningful way. The moments of bliss that I got in some meditations are enough to keep me going for months! But the best part for me, as a perfectionist who likes to beat herself up, is the only thing you have to do is turn up for the practice, be gentle and let go. So I can never strive to be the best just my good enough on that day and to develop a sense of humour about it when it goes off piste. What a great analogy for life!
And Mary Walker is wonderful - totally accepting and loving at all times and so passionate about mindfulness - and you can see it in action in her at all times. Mary’s input in my life in so many areas has been a god send.”
Anna - London

“Thank you so much for the wonderful Mindfulness course. It has been a very rewarding experience and I have found that the more I practice the more I am able to still, the often negative and unhelpful, chatter that goes on in my head. I am learning not to judge myself so harshly in this gentle, supportive and kind practice. I am more accepting, which is more relaxing, rather than resisting, which is a tense state to be in and serves no one, least of all myself.
I am finding that I am becoming more present and fully aware, which is calm and often enjoyable thus improving my wellbeing.
This approach to taking care of yourself I find is a gentle release of the pressure cooker of stress. Focusing attention on what is happening now and accepting it feels like a more natural state for me to be in and is not only helpful for myself but benefits in my interaction with others. Understanding what is going on with me instead of operating in automatic pilot can only be a good thing. As I free up my mind and body I am letting go of tension and stress, which is a healthy way to live. I am calmer, less reactive and am very grateful to have this positive practice to draw on.
Mary you have run the course with such a loving and giving approach and in a truly supportive and non judgemental way. I love the CD’s with your clear, warm voice which helps me feel so supported and cared for.”
Norma - London
taster session

Thinking about doing a Mindfulness Programme, but not sure what to expect? Maybe you have some questions or just want some information?
Let's connect and talk.

“The mountains are calling and
I must go!”
“It was challenging, always rewarding and ultimately life enhancing!.”

“Learning Mindfulness is easier than you might think, and it could change your life.”