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Mindfulness & Self-Compassion

mary walker
Mindfulness and MSCTeacher
I love to teach Mindfulness and Self-Compassion programmes, whether 121 or in a zoom group setting. A good place to start is to simply talk and see what you need. Contact me, if you feel the time is right for you. Below is my Bio, as a way of getting a feel of how I work.
Mary Walker, BA, DipION, HCA Certified Health Coach, Mindfulness and Self-Compassion Teacher is dedicated to finding the strengths within all individuals that she works with, whether through teaching, mentoring or coaching.
She embarked on this journey in the 1980s when Health became a priority and a love of learning took her down the path of a degree in psychology and teaching A level psychology, diplomas in nutrition, clinical hypnotherapy, NLP and coaching and recognition that transforming lives was a possibility.
With extensive training and experience in teaching Mindfulness and Self-Compassion, her intention is to keep cultivating this area of her life as a job she loves and as a way of life. She is currently studying and researching trauma-sensitive approaches when teaching clients or students.
As Head Tutor with HCA, keeping her students inspired and on track, whilst keeping a life/study/work balance is what motivates her.
In her own life, from a teenager, she has been driven by the desire for adventure, challenge and diversity. For the last 10 years she has trekked in the highest mountain ranges in the world, including the Himalayas and Karakoram and been to Nepal, Bhutan, Pakistan, Afghanistan, Tajikistan, Iran and Mongolia. One highlight stands out: meeting a young shepherdess in the Upper Dolpo area of Tibet and having an instant connection that was beyond language, culture and age.
Today she is immersed in her role within HCA and her own Mindfulness business with private and corporate clients.
Mindfulness Teacher Training, Bangor University
TTL1 January 2012
TTL2 August 2016
Member of BAMBA
Registered Teacher May 2021 - May 2022
BA: Psychology, 1988
DipION: Nutritional Therapy, 2001
Zest4life Health Coach and Mentor, 2008
Certified HCA Health Coach

Zoom & 1-to-1

Finding Peace in a Frantic World Programme
Mindfulness Self-Compassion
Mindfulness + Living with Compassion
Mindful Eating with Mary
(coming soon)
“It was challenging, always rewarding and ultimately life enhancing!.”
“Learning Mindfulness is easier than you might think, and it could change your life.”

Thinking about doing a Mindfulness Programme, but not sure what to expect? Maybe you have some questions or need some information? Let's connect and discover what is best for you. Email me now for a time and date.